
Showing posts from February, 2019

Exploring the Medieval Town of Navelli in Italy

The ancient hillside village of Navelli in Abruzzo, Italy known for its “Oro Rosso” or (Red Gold) referring to its production of saffron is a great tour destination as opposed to other well-trodden paths in Italy. If you want a more relaxed and laid-back experience of the Italian countryside, Navelli is definitely worth exploring. Along with neighboring towns in the region, this quaint little village is considered one of the most beautiful of its kind in the country and belongs to an exclusive club known as Borghi piu belli d’Italia or literally the most beautiful burghs in Italy. The town is the epitome of postcard perfect, with its cobbled streets, pale golden stone houses, arched windows, huge wooden doors, and rocky stone steps, all backdropped by the lush green of the surrounding nature. The town of Navelli went through two major periods of reformation, namely the Medieval and the Renaissance periods. Influences from both eras are very palpable in the way that th